Support Temple Performing Arts Center - Make a Gift Today!


The renovated Temple Performing Arts Center is reclaiming its place at the heart of Temple University. Returning this historic facility to its roots as a venue for entertainment and inspiration serves the evolving needs of Temple's Main Campus at the same time that it anchors the University as the northernmost point of Philadelphia's Avenue of the Arts.

It Continues With You

Temple University invites you to join other alumni and friends in supporting Temple Performing Arts Center as a beacon of inspiration and illumination for future generations of Temple students and the broader community.

Auditorium seats may be named with gifts starting at $1,000; plaques on the seats will visibly display the names of their sponsors.

Many other naming opportunities are available, from the Grand Staircase and the iconic Rose Window to the Chapel of  Four Chaplains.


Contact Us
Jeff Yurcan
Assistant Dean for Development and Alumni Relations

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